Offshore Company Formation in Cyprus

Register your company in Cyprus in 8 days

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Corporate lawyer backed

Our incorporation service in backed by a licensed corporate lawyer (Cyprus Bar Association)

100% remote incorporation

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Real-time tracking

Track the process of your company incorporation online

How We Work

Fill out our form

Fill out our form to contact our relocation consultant.
Get guidance and ask all your questions to best prepare your incorporation.

Start of the company incorporation

A corporate lawyer incorporates your company, and collects all the required documents.

Track the progress in real-time

You get access to an online tool that allows you to track each step of your company's incorporation in real time

Pricing plans


1,180 One time fee
  • Personalized relocation strategy
  • Dedicated relocation manager
  • Real-time incorporation tracking
  • Registration of your company (20-30 business days)
  • Application to the Registrar of Companies
  • Drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Payment of governmental Filing Fees
  • Company Certificates (certified by the Registrar of Companies)
  • Stamp duty and out-of-pocket expenses

Fast track

1,480 One time fee
  • Personalized relocation strategy
  • Dedicated relocation manager
  • Real-time incorporation tracking
  • Registration of your company (8-12 business days)
  • Application to the Registrar of Companies
  • Drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Payment of governmental Filing Fees
  • Company Certificates (certified by the Registrar of Companies)
  • Stamp duty and out-of-pocket expenses

Cyprus, a Mediterranean gem, offers more than just beautiful beaches and year-round sunshine. It also provides a competitive business environment, particularly beneficial for offshore company formation. With its favourable tax structure, it’s no wonder that many businesses are interested in setting up their operations here.

If you’re considering this route, you’re in the right place. We’ll explore the process of offshore company formation in Cyprus in great detail, guiding you through each step. This will include everything from understanding the concept of offshore company formation to the practical steps of setting up an offshore company and bank account in Cyprus.

By the end of this article, I hope to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of why Cyprus is often considered an offshore tax haven and how you can benefit from it. Now, let’s delve deeper into the fascinating world of offshore company formation in Cyprus.

Understanding Offshore Company Formation in Cyprus

Venturing into offshore company formation in Cyprus starts with understanding what it truly means. An offshore company is essentially a legal entity established in a foreign jurisdiction, in this case, Cyprus. Its principal appeal lies in its ability to provide financial, legal, and tax benefits to business owners.

The concept of offshore companies is not new. As a matter of fact, according to data from the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver of Cyprus, there were 216,588 registered companies in Cyprus as of 2020. A significant percentage of these are offshore companies, evidencing the popularity of Cyprus as a business hub.

The allure of offshore company formation in Cyprus mainly stems from its favourable tax environment. It offers one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the EU, currently at 12.5%, making it a desirable destination for entrepreneurs worldwide. Furthermore, it provides exemptions on dividend income and capital gains, boosting its appeal as a tax haven.

Offshore company formation in Cyprus is also beneficial from a legal perspective. It offers high levels of privacy and confidentiality, critical for businesses seeking to protect their interests. Additionally, the ease of business operations due to the well-structured corporate legislation in Cyprus is a significant advantage.

Table 1: Advantages of Offshore Company Formation in Cyprus

Advantages Description
Low Corporate Tax Rate One of the lowest in the EU, currently at 12.5%
Exemption on Dividend Income and Capital Gains Provides significant tax savings
High Levels of Privacy and Confidentiality Protects business interests
Well-structured Corporate Legislation Facilitates ease of business operations


Living and Doing Business in Cyprus

Quality of Life

Living in Cyprus can offer a fantastic quality of life. The island is known for its beautiful beaches, sunny weather, and rich culture and history. In addition to its natural beauty, Cyprus also boasts excellent healthcare and education systems, making it an attractive destination for individuals and families alike.

Business Environment

As for doing business, Cyprus ranks highly for its pro-business environment. It offers a skilled workforce, advanced infrastructure, and strong support for innovation and entrepreneurship. Additionally, English is widely spoken, making it easier for international business owners to communicate and operate their businesses.

In summary, Cyprus offers an attractive package for both life and business. Its robust regulatory environment, extensive banking services, and generous tax benefits make it an ideal location for offshore company formation. But beyond that, its high quality of life and friendly business environment make it a place worth considering for relocation.

Offshore Company Formation in Cyprus


Step-by-step Process to Open an Offshore Company in Cyprus

1. Name Approval

Your first step is to get a unique name approved by the Cyprus Companies Registrar. The approval process usually takes around 2-3 days, and it’s advisable to provide a few alternative names in case your first choice is already in use.

2. Preparing Necessary Documentation

Post the name approval, you’ll need to prepare several documents. This includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association, detailing the company’s operations, and director and shareholder details.

3. Registration

Once your documents are ready and notarized, they must be submitted to the Cyprus Companies Registrar for registration. The registration process generally takes around one week.

4. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Depending on your business’s nature, you may need to secure additional licenses or permits. It’s essential to check this with a legal advisor to ensure compliance.

Table 2: Step-by-step Process for Offshore Company Formation in Cyprus

Steps Description
Name Approval Takes around 2-3 days
Preparing Necessary Documentation Includes Memorandum and Articles of Association, and director and shareholder details
Registration Generally takes around one week
Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits Varies depending on the business nature

With your offshore company now legally established, the next critical step is opening a bank account for your company. This leads us to the next section.

Opening a Bank Account for Your Offshore Company

One of the key steps following the establishment of an offshore company in Cyprus is opening a Cyprus offshore bank account. Cyprus boasts a well-regulated banking system that accommodates offshore companies with various services, making it an ideal place to open a bank account.

You can choose from a multitude of international and local banks, each offering different banking solutions to suit your needs. Common services include multi-currency accounts, online banking, debit and credit cards, as well as wealth management services.

When setting up a bank account for your offshore company, it’s important to note that most banks will require a face-to-face meeting with the company’s beneficial owners. Additionally, banks will require several documents, including proof of identity, proof of residence, and details about your company and its operations.

Lastly, always remember to consult with a legal or banking professional when choosing a bank and account type for your offshore company. This ensures that your choice aligns with your business needs and goals.

Finding the Cheapest Offshore Company Formation

While Cyprus offers many benefits for offshore companies, the cost is often a crucial factor for businesses. Thankfully, the costs of offshore company formation in Cyprus are quite competitive compared to other jurisdictions.

Below is a more detailed breakdown of the costs associated with setting up an offshore company in Cyprus:

    1. Registration Fee: Approximately €400. This is a one-time fee paid at the time of registration to the Cyprus Companies Registrar.
    2. Annual License Fee: Approximately €350. This is an annual fee payable to the Registrar of Companies to maintain the company’s good standing.
    3. Professional Fees: Legal fees can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your setup and any additional services required. However, on average, expect to pay between €1,000 and €2,500. Accounting fees, again depending on the complexity of your financial situation, can range from €500 to €2,000 annually.
    4. Registered Office Fee: Depending on the location and nature of the office, this can range from €300 to €1,000 annually.

To find the cheapest offshore company formation, consider comparing the services and prices of various corporate service providers. Keep in mind that it’s not only about finding the lowest prices but also about ensuring the quality of service. Additionally, don’t forget to factor in the ongoing costs, such as annual license fees and professional fees, when calculating the total cost. Remember, an informed decision is always the best decision when it comes to your business.

The Advantages of Cyprus Offshore Banking

Cyprus offshore banking offers several advantages that make it an attractive choice for offshore companies. Let’s take a closer look at some of these advantages.

Strong Regulatory Environment

    • Cyprus is a member of the European Union and adheres to its banking regulations, ensuring a secure and reliable banking environment. Beyond its EU membership, Cyprus is also a part of the Eurozone, which adds another layer of security and trust to its banking sector. The Cyprus Central Bank oversees and regulates all banking operations in the country, ensuring adherence to international banking standards. This degree of regulation provides a certain reassurance for business owners and investors alike, demonstrating Cyprus’s commitment to safeguarding their financial interests.

    • Furthermore, Cyprus has taken robust steps to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing, aligning with the stringent standards set by the Financial Action Task Force. With mandatory Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks, banks ensure a transparent and secure banking environment. These measures not only protect your business but also enhance the reputation and credibility of Cyprus as an offshore banking location.

    • In addition, the legal framework in Cyprus is designed to protect investors. For instance, in the unlikely event of a bank failure, the Deposit Protection Scheme guarantees deposits up to €100,000, providing a safety net for account holders. This robust regulatory environment adds an additional layer of security, making Cyprus an appealing option for offshore banking.

The multitude of Banking Services

    • Delving deeper into the banking services offered, Cypriot banks are renowned for their customer-focused approach. This means that your banking experience is typically seamless and tailored to your specific needs. For example, many banks offer dedicated relationship managers to offshore companies, providing a single point of contact for all banking needs, which can be extremely beneficial in navigating the banking landscape.

    • In terms of technological advancements, Cyprus is on par with some of the most developed nations globally. Online banking services provided by Cypriot banks are state-of-the-art, facilitating transactions and banking operations around the clock. This digital capability enables offshore companies to manage their accounts effectively and efficiently, regardless of their geographical location.

    • Additionally, for businesses dealing with international transactions, Cypriot banks offer attractive foreign exchange services. These services, coupled with the ability to hold accounts in multiple currencies, significantly ease the process of doing business globally. This level of service diversity truly showcases the adaptability of Cyprus’s banking sector to cater to offshore companies’ unique needs.

Tax Benefits

    • In addition to the already mentioned tax advantages, it’s worth noting that Cyprus has an extensive network of double tax treaties with over 60 countries. These treaties eliminate the possibility of double taxation on the same income, making it even more financially attractive to establish an offshore bank account in Cyprus. For offshore companies, this can result in significant tax savings, particularly for businesses operating internationally.

    • Also, the interest income earned on bank deposits is not subject to income tax in Cyprus. This provision further amplifies the tax efficiency of Cypriot offshore banking, allowing companies to grow their deposits unencumbered by heavy tax burdens.

    • Lastly, it’s important to note that Cyprus does not impose any restrictions on the movement of funds. This includes no controls on capital or profit repatriation, allowing offshore companies to transfer their money freely, which can be a critical consideration for businesses. These tax benefits further solidify Cyprus’s standing as a favourable offshore tax haven.

The Advantages of Cyprus Offshore Banking

Best Offshore Company Formation Service

Choosing the best offshore company formation service in Cyprus is crucial for a seamless setup process. These services assist with company registration, legal compliance, and bank account setup, ensuring every detail is meticulously handled.

Key factors to consider when selecting a service are your specific needs, the provider’s reputation, and their experience in Cyprus offshore formation. A reliable service provider with established relationships within the local landscape can facilitate a smoother process.

Remember to check for testimonials and transparency about their fees. While there are costs involved, the convenience, time savings, and peace of mind provided by these services are often invaluable. As always, consult with a legal professional to guide you based on your unique situation.

Thinking about incorporating your company in Cyprus?

Connect with me, and get a personalized quote, guidance on legal requirements, the tax implications for your company, and answers to all your questions!

Thinking about incorporating your company in Cyprus?

Book a free consultation with a trusted company incorporation lawyer, and get guidance on legal requirements, tax implications to help you navigate the local business landscape.


Setting up an offshore company in Cyprus is a decision that comes with numerous benefits, particularly in terms of taxes. However, it is a decision that should be made with a comprehensive understanding of the process, costs, and legal implications. Remember that while Cyprus offers a conducive environment for offshore company formation, every business is unique, and it’s essential to consider your individual business needs and objectives.

As always, seeking professional advice is highly recommended to navigate the legal and financial intricacies involved. For those who decide to take this route, Cyprus indeed holds the promise of being a favourable offshore tax haven. I hope this guide has provided a helpful starting point for your offshore company formation journey in Cyprus. Stay tuned and contact for more information tailored to your specific needs.