
Check your pink slip status in Cyprus: A step-by-step Guide

Check Your Pink Slip Status in Cyprus: A Step-by-Step Guide

Staying informed about your pink slip status is essential for individuals residing in Cyprus on a temporary residency permit. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to check your pink slip status, ensuring that you remain compliant with immigration regulations and are prepared for permit renewal or extension. Why You Need to Check Your […]

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MEU forms comparison overview

MEU forms: Comparative Overview for your Residency Permit

If you’re considering moving to Cyprus and obtaining a residency permit, it’s important to understand the different MEU (Migration and Entry into Cyprus) application forms available. The MEU1, MEU2, and MEU3 forms are designed for different categories of applicants, and each has its own set of requirements and benefits.  In this article, we’ll provide a

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